Cold and Cough

Saturday, January 29, 2022


In Australia, the United Kingdom, and South Africa, SEXPO is a health, sexuality, and lifestyle expo. Since its inception in 1995, the event has been staged over 80 times around the country. Exhibitors, a health and wellness seminar theatre, special interest zones, amusements, bars, live stage entertainment, and celebrities and visitors from the adult industry are all included at SEXPO.

History –

SEXPO was founded in SEXPO was founded in 1995 to provide a safe, secure, and mainstream environment for adult health, sexuality, and lifestyle products and services, In 1996, the Carlton Crest Hotel in Albert Park hosted the first-ever SEXPO. The event was transferred to the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre in 1997 due to its great success, and it has stayed there ever since. SEXPO has now travelled to all of Australia's capital cities, as well as numerous remote towns. Sasha Grey hosted the G4tv SEXPO for Attack of the Show! in 2009. The Salvation Army was one of the event's participants in the Johannesburg 2013 edition. In 2015, SEXPO made its debut in the United Kingdom. In 2016, SEXPO Australia celebrated its 20th anniversary, while SEXPO South Africa celebrated its 10th. Mao Hamasaki, a Japanese pornstar, drew a large number of Asian tourists. Attendees were also able to participate in cosplay at the event. The organisers of the 2017 edition of SEXPO in Brisbane purchased display adverts on billboards and buses across the city. The city's parents, outraged, spearheaded a Change.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Why do I get cold after sex?

Having sex with your partner may be an emotional rollercoaster, leaving you feeling energized–or just a bit queasy. Flu-like symptoms after sex are one of the most prevalent unfavourable experiences. Symptoms such as a headache, fever, stomach discomfort, weariness, sinus difficulties, and sore throat fall under this category. Is it typical to suffer flu-like symptoms after sex when individuals anticipate feeling that post-sex "glow"? POIS (post-orgasmic illness syndrome) is an uncommon disorder that causes males to have flu-like symptoms just after they ejaculate. According to a new study, the first occurrence of the chronic condition was registered in 2002, but since then, more than 50 people have been discovered all over the world. High fevers, sweating, and itchy eyes are common symptoms for those who suffer from the disease. In general, the severity of these symptoms varies. It's conceivable that you have the flu; but, if these symptoms persist, worsen, or you're concerned about your sexual health, you should be tested for STDs as soon as possible. This will not only put your mind at ease, but it will also help you prevent any potential issues. You might be feeling under the weather after sex for a multitude of reasons. The following is a partial list of possible causes, some of which are more prevalent than others. These examples range from innocuous to more serious illnesses that need testing, diagnosis, and treatment.

  • While your imagination may wander to the worst-case scenario, your flu-like symptoms are most likely just that–the flu. Although influenza is not a pleasant condition, it affects millions of individuals each year. This virus is particularly dangerous to the elderly and children under the age of five, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Complications can occur at any age, although antiviral drugs are available to treat the sickness.
  • Our feelings may have a big impact on our physical and mental health. Nerves can induce an upset stomach when we have our first date, meet a new companion, or attempt something new. Of all, this is a perfectly natural reaction that will go away with time. Having sex can be a vulnerable time for everyone, making them feel uneasy. Regardless, honest conversation with your spouse should alleviate any anxiety and deepen your connection.
  • In the worst-case situation, these symptoms might indicate a sexually transmitted illness (STD). Fever, enlarged lymph nodes, joint discomfort, and weariness are some of the symptoms of STDs as your body tries to fight the bacterium or virus. A sore mouth and aching genitals are also frequent gonorrhoea or chlamydia symptoms. Even though STDs have symptoms that are similar to the flu, this does not guarantee that your symptoms are caused by a sexually transmitted virus. As a result, if you think you might have gotten an STD, it's never a bad idea to be tested.

Does sex boost immune system?

Did you know that sex is not only pleasant, but also beneficial to your health? That is correct. Sex has a variety of health advantages, including reducing stress and decreasing your chance of cancer and heart attacks. Bonding and emotions of intimacy with your spouse are aided by sex. This sense of belonging does more than make you feel warm and fuzzy; it also helps you feel less anxious and improves your general health.

Cortisol levels are reduced and rebalanced by orgasms-

Orgasm, whether attained with a partner or on one's own, has a significant impact on the chemicals and hormones that play critical roles in our immunological response.

Sex raises the number of white blood cells in your body-

White blood cells are immune system cells that defend the body against infectious illnesses and infections from outside the body. White blood cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but lymphocytes are one of the most essential because they produce antibodies to combat bacteria, viruses, and other potentially hazardous intruders.

Immunoglobulin levels rise as a result of sexual engagement-

One of the most important functions of lymphocytes, as previously stated, is to create antibodies. Different kinds of immunoglobulins, which are proteins that hook on to invading pathogens, make up these antibodies. The more immunoglobulins you have, the more able you are to fight illnesses and viruses like COVID19. Sexual intercourse, fortunately, can also benefit in this area. With many of us being forced to spend more time with our spouses, it may seem like the ideal time to indulge in a bit extra sex in order to help deepen our connections. That's not to mention the release sex gives in the struggle against boredom while you're stuck at home. It turns out, though, that sex isn't just good for our relationships and mental health; it's also a great way to strengthen our immune systems. There's never been a better moment to give in to your impulses and gain the health advantages in return, with COVID19 instances fast surpassing two million globally.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Does Sex Cure Cold?

Fighting with common cold and not getting cure? Have sex, It is the solution to your problem. Forget about Vitamin C, herbal remedies, and old wives' tales; scientists have discovered a much more pleasant way to avoid catching a cold. Those who make love once or twice a week acquire immunity to the sniffles. In those who don't have sex or do so less than once a week, a few intimate moments with the one you love creates much larger amounts of Immunoglobulin a (IgA), which forms a barrier against sickness. Regular sex can help you from contracting one of the most prevalent winter illnesses, the common cold. This is according to Wilkes University, Pennsylvania psychologists Carl Charnetski and Francis Brennan, who suggest that sexual activity improves immunity. According to their findings, sex can result in greater levels of Immunoglobulin A (IgA), which may provide some disease protection.

But question is how does it work? Let’s try understanding that,

  • Stress is reduced through sex. Along with strengthening immunity, sex reduces stress, which is believed to be a big factor in determining whether or not you catch the cold that's been going around.
  • Your Immune System is boosted by Sex. Numerous studies have shown that spending time between the sheets enhances your immune system, and you'll need all the strength you can get to fight off seasonal viruses.
  • Better sleep: When you have an orgasm, your body produces oxytocin, popularly known as the "love hormone," which might cause you to fall asleep quickly.
  • Pain is relieved by sex. Despite your best efforts to improve your health, a stranger coughs in your face during your morning commute. So, even if you are ill, keep going! When your head is pounding and your sinuses are gushing, sex has been shown to alleviate discomfort, which is precisely what you need. (However, you'll almost certainly need a co-conspirator who is already sick so you don't have to worry about spreading your germs or grossness.)
  • Endorphins released during orgasm can suppress pain, including migraine pain, according to a paper published in Cephalalgia, the journal of the International Headache Society. If your congestion is causing a terrible sinus headache, sex may be a potential treatment option.
  • Touchy-feely: It has been proven that the experience of touch during intimacy has a positive impact on one's emotional well-being. As a result, sharing an intimate moment with your partner can help you feel more positive and combat any aches and pains you may be experiencing as a result of being unwell.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Best sleeping position for Pregnant Women

It's hard to get a good night's sleep when your stomach is in the line. If you used to sleep on your stomach, you'll have to change positions to accommodate your expanding weight. Lets discuss about best sleeping position for a mom to be.

Left side-

During pregnancy, sleeping on your left side is generally referred to be the "optimal" situation. Blood flow from the inferior vena cava is improved when you position yourself on your left side of the body (IVC). This huge vein on the right side of your spine travels parallel to your spine and transports blood to your heart and, ultimately, to your baby. Sleeping on your left side relieves strain on your liver and kidneys as well. This means you'll have more room to move about, which will assist with swelling in your hands, ankles, and feet.

Right side-

Should you avoid the right side if the left side is ideal? Certainly not. In a 2019 study, sleeping on the left or right side was shown to be equally safe. When you sleep on your right, there's a tiny possibility of compression difficulties with the IVC, but it's primarily a question of personal preference.

Back sleeping-

Sleeping on your back throughout the third trimester, from the 28th week of pregnancy onward, puts strain on the main blood veins that transport blood to the uterus, The oxygen supply to the foetus may be reduced as a result of this pressure. It can also cause unpleasant symptoms in women, such as dizziness and heartburn. According to a 2019 study, back sleeping during pregnancy is linked to a higher risk of stillbirth. Other research has reached similar findings. The posture in which a lady fell asleep was examined rather than the position she shifted into during sleep in this research.

Monday, January 24, 2022

These so called embarrassing symptoms about pregnancy you should know!

Pregnancy transforms your life as well as your physical appearance. As your pregnancy proceeded, you expected your tummy to grow, you'd feel more exhausted than normal, and you might throw up a few times. Some of the other bodily changes, on the other hand, may have caught you off guard. When a woman becomes pregnant, her body undergoes several changes, the majority of which are unexpected: hair growth on the abdomen, belching and constipation, increased vaginal discharge, and haemorrhoids, to mention a few. "These aren't topics that a lady typically discusses. So it's no surprise that there's some humiliation." Let’s discuss about them there,

Excess Gas-

Almost every pregnant lady has gassiness. This is due to the hormonal surge that occurs during pregnancy, which might cause your gastrointestinal tract to slow down. Because you don't have as much control over your muscles during pregnancy, you might not be able to keep it to yourself. "Exercise increases the motility of the GI tract, allowing food to pass through more quickly". "The less time it spends fermenting, the less gas it produces." Some foods, such as carbonated drinks, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and dried fruit, are more prone to cause gas; therefore it's better to avoid them entirely."

Facial Hair-

Hormones cause hair to grow in inconvenient areas during pregnancy."Most pregnant ladies are overjoyed to find that they'll soon have a gorgeous mane of hair," says. "However, as we get to the breasts, abdomen, and face, the joy quickly turns to fear."


During pregnancy, some women have a greater sense of smell. Strong food aromas, such as chicken or seafood, cause many people to develop an aversion to them. Only a tiny number of women begin to detect their own fragrance, which can be humiliating. "It's possible that you can smell yourself vaginally at times, especially near the end of pregnancy, because you have more mucous then." Some folks are concerned about odour and carry wet wipes with them everywhere they go. No one else, however, is aware of this. Your sense of smell hasn't improved; it's become stronger."


Because of the extra hormones running through your system, pimples and ugly breakouts are typical, especially during the first trimester. While some acne drugs, such as Retin-A, are not recommended during pregnancy.

Intimacy Issues-

Weight gain and other physical changes might make you undesirable in the eyes of your lover. Don't allow this lead to issues with communication and intimacy. "Some individuals are uncomfortable being physically intimate," Kinney explains. "The discharge is going to alter. There's a chance that your vulvar will enlarge. They are uneasy and do not think they are appealing." If you're having problems broaching the subject with your spouse, consider asking them to an ob-gyn appointment, especially if you've already discussed your intimacy concerns with your doctor.

Warning signs of Pregnancy

All pregnant women, their partners, and their families should be aware of the indicators of problems and crises, as well as when to seek professional help. You might be wondering which pregnancy symptoms require immediate medical treatment and which symptoms can wait until your next prenatal appointment. Always bring up your issues with your doctor throughout your visits. However, keep in mind that some symptoms require immediate care. What are stages and signs when help is required lets discuss about that here in this article,


Depending on where you are in your pregnancy, bleeding might imply a variety of problems. "If you're bleeding profusely, have severe abdominal pain and menstrual-like cramps, or feel like you're about to pass out during the first trimester, it could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy," says Peter Bernstein, MD, an ob-gyn professor at New York's Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center. Ectopic pregnancy, which happens when a fertilised egg implants outside of the uterus, is potentially fatal. In the first or early second trimester, heavy bleeding and cramps might be a warning of miscarriage. In the third trimester, however, bleeding with stomach pain might suggest placental abruption, which happens when the placenta separates from the uterine lining. "Bleeding is usually dangerous." Any bleeding that occurs during pregnancy requires rapid medical treatment. Make an appointment with your doctor or go to the nearest emergency room.

Severe Nausea and Vomiting-

When you're pregnant, it's fairly usual to have nausea. It may become more serious if it becomes severe. "You run the danger of being dehydrated if you can't eat or drink anything," Bernstein explains. Your baby may be harmed if you are malnourished and dehydrated. Inform your doctor if you're experiencing extreme nausea. Your doctor may give medication or suggest dietary changes.

The Baby's Activity Level Decreases Significantly-

What does it signify if your child appears to be less energetic than before? It's possible that this is typical. But how do you know? Some troubleshooting can assist in determining whether or not there is a problem. You start by drinking or eating anything chilly. Then try lying on your side to see if the baby will move. Counting kicks might also be beneficial.

Water Breaks-

As you enter the kitchen for a drink, a torrent of water rushes down your legs, "Your water may have broken," says the doctor, "but an enlarged uterus can also put pressure on your bladder during pregnancy." So there's a chance it's urine leaking." However, water breaking might be a spectacular flood of fluid, or it can be very quiet. "Go to the restroom and empty your bladder if you're not sure if it's urine or an actual rupture of the membrane." If the liquid doesn't stop, you've ruptured your water." Make an appointment with your doctor or go to the hospital.

What Happens First During Pregnancy?

Could you be expecting a child? The pregnancy test provides confirmation of this. You could guess — or hope — that you're pregnant even before you miss a period. Learn about the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy, as well as the reasons for their occurrence.

What are signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

  • Urination has increased. You could notice that you're urinating more frequently than normal. During pregnancy, the volume of blood in your body rises, leading your kidneys to process excess fluid that collects in your bladder.
  • Fatigue is also one of the most common early pregnancy symptoms. Nobody knows what causes tiredness in the first trimester of pregnancy. A fast spike in progesterone levels during early pregnancy, on the other hand, may lead to weariness.
  • Period was missed. If you're in your childbearing years and your monthly cycle hasn't started after a week or longer, you might be pregnant. However, if you have an irregular menstrual cycle, this symptom might be deceiving.
  • Breasts that is tender and swollen. Hormonal changes early in pregnancy might make your breasts uncomfortable and aching. As your body adjusts to hormonal changes, the discomfort should subside after a few weeks.
  • Nausea that may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. Morning sickness usually starts one to two months after you become pregnant and can strike at any time of day or night. Some women, on the other hand, suffer nausea earlier, while others never do. While the exact reason of nausea during pregnancy is unknown, pregnancy hormones are most likely to blame.
  • Note -

    A lot of these signs and symptoms aren't only for pregnant women. Some of them might signal that you're likely to get ill or that your menstruation is about to begin. Similarly, you might be pregnant and not have many of these symptoms. Take a home pregnancy test or visit your health care physician if you miss a period and observe some of the aforementioned signs or symptoms. Make an appointment with your health care practitioner if your home pregnancy test is positive. The sooner you have confirmation of your pregnancy, the sooner you may start prenatal care. Start taking a daily prenatal vitamin if you're trying to get pregnant or have recently found out you're expecting. Prenatal vitamins usually include key vitamins and minerals like folic acid and iron to help your baby grow and thrive.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

What foods to avoid while breastfeeding?

A good pregnancy or nursing diet entails more than just eating for two people. The facts may go against a few popular notions nowadays. The beginning of the third month of pregnancy indicates that you just require an additional 200-300 kcal per day in addition to your pre-pregnancy diet. A well-balanced diet consists of a variety of foods that meet your nutritional needs. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, and lentils, as well as a little quantity of dairy and meat as needed. Let’s have a look at food we should avoid;

Fish with high mercury:

Fish with high levels of mercury, as well as other mercury-containing meals, may have an impact on breastfeeding. Breast milk with high amounts of mercury may obstruct your baby's brain development. If your obstetrician advises you to avoid seafood, follow his or her advice. Make sure you don't consume more than two servings of fish or seafood each week if you enjoy them.


If you're pregnant, don't consume alcohol. In other instances, even casual drinking is prohibited. Alcohol crosses the placenta and interferes with your baby's development in a variety of ways. It might affect a baby's physical, mental, or development. The majority of obstetricians will advise you not to drink alcohol on the day of your pregnancy. It's just as crucial to stay away from alcohol when nursing as it is while pregnant.


Scientists are studying the effects of caffeine on the foetus in numerous ways. Caffeine content in coffee is double that of chocolate, colas, and tea. During your nursing period, try to minimise or avoid coffee use. Caffeine from the coffee you drink on a daily basis may wind up in your breast milk. The two most common indicators that caffeine in your breast milk is hurting your child's health are insomnia and irritability. Caffeine may have additional negative consequences. It might result in a drop in haemoglobin levels. Caffeine interferes with the baby's overall nutrition by lowering the iron level in the milk.

Fruits That You Should avoid during Pregnancy

What you consume during pregnancy has an influence on both your health and the health of your kid. You will have a healthy pregnancy and your baby will develop normally if you eat a nutritious diet. Healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you satisfy your nutritional needs. However, you can't just eat any fruit or vegetable; some fruits and vegetables aren't healthy to eat during pregnancy. We shall discuss several fruits that you should avoid eating while pregnant in this article.


Pineapple is one of the fruits that should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that consuming pineapple can produce severe uterine contractions, which can lead to a miscarriage. Bromelain, a protein-degrading enzyme, is found in pineapple. It has the potential to soften the cervix and cause early labour. This is why you should avoid eating pineapple throughout your pregnancy.


While papayas are high in macronutrients and vitamins that are beneficial to your health, they are one of the fruits that should be avoided by pregnant women. Papaya can raise your body temperature, which is not healthy when you're pregnant. The fruit is also high in latex, which can cause uterine contractions, bleeding, and even miscarriage. It may also harm the unborn' growth, therefore it's better to avoid it. Both ripe and unripe papayas should be avoided.


You may be shocked to learn that this common fruit is on the list of fruits to avoid while pregnant. Although bananas are considered safe to eat during pregnancy, they should be avoided in specific circumstances. Bananas are not recommended for women who have allergies or who have diabetes or gestational diabetes. Chitinase, a latex-like protein found in bananas, is a recognised allergy. It also raises body temperature. Bananas should not be consumed by women who are allergic to chitinase. Bananas also contain a significant quantity of sugar; therefore diabetics should avoid them at all costs.


Watermelon is typically beneficial to the human body since it allows the body to flush out impurities while also regulating hydration. However, eating watermelon while pregnant might expose the infant to the numerous poisons that the watermelon removes. Although this fruit is generally beneficial to a pregnant woman's health, it can have some negative consequences. The sugar content in it may boost your blood glucose levels if ingested in excess. Watermelons' diuretic characteristics can sometimes drain out necessary nutrients as well as toxins from your body. Furthermore, it is a cold-inducing meal, thus it is best to avoid it when pregnant.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?

If you want to exercise while you're pregnant, talk to your doctor. Exercising while pregnant is generally safe and beneficial to both you and your baby. Exercise will not enhance your chances of suffering a miscarriage (when a baby dies in the womb before 20 weeks of pregnancy), a preterm baby (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy), or a baby born with low birth weight if you and your pregnancy are healthy.

Points to note –

  • Ask your health care provider at your first prenatal exam if exercising while pregnant is safe for you.
  • Each week, healthy pregnant women should engage in at least 212 hours of aerobic exercise, such as walking or swimming.
  • Regular physical exercise might help you avoid pregnancy problems and alleviate pregnant discomforts like back pain.
  • Basketball, hot yoga, downhill skiing, horseback riding, and scuba diving are all unsafe to undertake while pregnant.

How much exercise should you get when pregnant?

Every week, healthy pregnant women should engage in at least 212 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. Aerobic activities cause you to breathe more quickly and deeply, as well as increase the rate at which your heart beats. You're active enough to sweat and raise your heart rate at a moderate level. Moderate-intensity aerobic activity includes things like going for a quick stroll. You may be working too hard if you can't converse normally throughout an activity. You are not need to complete all 212 hours at once. Instead, spread it out over the course of the week. Do 30 minutes of exercise on most or all days, for example. If 30 minutes sounds like a lot, break it up by doing something active for 10 minutes three times a day.

What kinds of activities are safe during pregnancy?

  • Walking- A fast stroll is a terrific way to get a good workout without putting too much strain on your joints and muscles. This is an excellent activity to start with if you're new to exercising.
  • Workouts in the water and in the pool, Moving against the water helps keep your heart rate up while supporting the weight of your growing baby. It's also gentle on your muscles and joints. Try swimming if you experience low back discomfort from other sports.
  • Riding a stationary bike is a great way to get some exercise. It is safer to do this than to ride a standard bicycle when pregnant. Even as your belly swells, you're less likely to fall off a stationary bike than you are on a conventional cycle.

Diet Plan during Pregnancy

Nutrition is more vital before, during, and after pregnancy than at any other period in life. Women, on the other hand, can continue to consume things from boxes or bags, eat out many times a week, or order pizza to go as long as they follow a few easy eating-for-two nutritional rules.

Items a pregnant woman must have in their diet plan –

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables in five servings (including at least one serving of a dark orange vegetable, two servings of dark green leafy vegetables, and one serving of citrus fruit)
  • Six servings of whole-grain enriched breads and cereals Non-fat or low-fat milk or milk products (three servings)
  • Extra-lean meats, skinless chicken, fish, or cooked dry beans and peas (two to three servings)
  • Water (eight glasses)
  • Give your youngster exclusively breast milk until he or she reaches the age of six months. It's known as exclusive breastfeeding.

The food rules for a healthy pregnancy are straightforward and straightforward. When, when, and how much people eat is a matter of choice, and is frequently dictated by necessity. If a pregnant woman suffers from morning sickness in the first trimester, she could pick a snack for breakfast and a substantial evening meal, but in the last trimester, when heartburn is more of an issue, she might choose a larger breakfast and a light evening meal. Caffeine (found in coffee, tea, and colas) should be avoided or limited, as should alcohol and cigarettes. Abstinence is the greatest option for a woman because no safe limit for drinking has been identified.

Nutrition experts believe that the mother-to-be diet is the finest source of all vital nutrients, including adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. It's all about getting enough. The MRC Vitamin Study at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London, for example, discovered that women who took folic acid supplements around conception had a significantly lower risk of giving birth to babies with neural tube defects (NTD), a type of birth defect in which the embryonic neural tube that forms the future brain and spinal column fails to close properly.

The Post-Pregnancy Diet is a diet that is designed to help women after they have given birth. The key to post-pregnancy nutrition, whether a woman breastfeeds or not, is to gradually recover a desirable figure while preserving or replenishing nutritional storage. Furthermore, while some infants are expected and others are unexpected, it's never too late to start nourishing the next one by eating a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, nonfat milk products, whole grains, and protein-rich legumes and meats.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Everything you should know about Breastfeeding

You may have heard other people's tales regarding their nursing experiences, just as you may have heard about pregnancy and delivery. For one individual, it went well, while for another, it went tragically wrong. All of the information you're receiving has the potential to overwhelm you. Let's debunk the myths around nursing by concentrating on the fundamentals. Let’s understand do’s and don’ts of breastfeeding.

What should we do?

  • Start nursing your infant as soon as he or she is born.
  • Breast milk generated within the first 2-3 days after delivery is known as colostrum. Despite the fact that manufacturing is limited, it is extremely nutritious, protecting, and sufficient for the kid.
  • After every two hours, breastfeed. Continue to attempt even if the flow of breast milk appears to be delayed or entirely blocked.
  • Always keep your infant in the same bed as you. This is referred to as 'bedding-in.'
  • Give your youngster exclusively breast milk until he or she reaches the age of six months. It's known as exclusive breastfeeding.
  • After a pleasant warm bath, breastfeed your infant since it helps to enhance milk flow.
  • When you need to breastfeed your infant in public, request seclusion. It's important to remember that if you're uncomfortable, stressed out, or distracted by too much noise, your baby won't get a healthy meal.
  • Keep track of your baby's feeding schedule. Never procrastinate. Even if your baby isn't screaming for the feed, you should stick to the routine. Making a feeding schedule is quite beneficial in the long term. Crying is the last and most severe indicator of hunger. Early signs may include your kid pushing out his or her tongue, licking his or her lips, bringing his or her hand to the mouth and licking it, or opening the mouth in left and right directions.
  • Make sure you drink lots of water. Drink a glass of water, juice, or any other good hydrating fluid before sitting down with your newborn infant. Drinking a glass of water or juice just before nursing is thought to assist boost milk flow.
  • If you need to go anywhere without your infant, express and freeze breastmilk. Your infant may always consume breast milk in a bottle instead of being left with a nanny and formula milk.

What to avoid?

  • No matter how difficult it is, don't give up on nursing your baby. Allow time for your kid and you to get to know each other and collaborate. Breastfeeding is, after all, a new experience for both of you.
  • If you have sore nipples, don't disregard your discomfort. Consult your doctor about the best ointment for your nipples, and in the meanwhile, wear a breast-shield.
  • If your doctor has prescribed it, don't take any painkillers or drugs.
  • When you're furious or sad, don't start breastfeeding. This is one of the most crucial suggestions that is frequently overlooked. Your mood plays a vital part in this process. Your infant may detect your negative mood, which can have a direct effect on your milk flow.
  • For teething, do not offer your infant gripe water, balkadu, glucose water, or tonics.
  • There is no need to prepare a backup bottle. Never be too impressed by a bottle-feeding mother's convenience. You've chosen the best choice, so stay with it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Everything you need to know about natural birth

Natural childbirth is defined as childbirth without the use of normal medical procedures, such as anaesthesia. Many women choose natural birth because it allows them to go through labour and delivery without the use of medicines; particularly pain relievers such as epidurals. Others go a step further and define natural delivery as birth without the use of any artificial medical interventions such as continuous foetal monitoring, prophylactic antibiotics, or episiotomies. Natural birth may also refer to a method of childbirth that allows the woman to listen to her body throughout labour and cope with contractions in any way she feels most at ease.

Things to keep in mind during Natural birth –

  • "Be ready to go in." Going into a natural childbirth without any preparation is like to turning up at the start line of a marathon without having trained and expecting to finish. It's just not going to turn out the way you had hoped. As a result, I completed my schoolwork. I enrolled in the programmes that I thought would benefit me, did yoga and went swimming (which my doctor recommended for developing strong stomach and core muscles), and listened to meditation podcasts to help me learn to be present.
  • Eat a good meal before heading to the hospital.
  • "Sleep as much as you can." People frequently believe that labour is all about speed, yet consider this: you're generally working for hours. So, if you have the opportunity, take a sleep. When you need the energy to push, you'll be pleased you did.
  • During contractions, try not to shout or weep.
  • Begin a fitness routine.
  • Once you've figured out what kind of delivery experience you want, make a birth plan that outlines everything you want to happen before, during, and after labour. Along with broad preferences like who you want in the hospital room during delivery, what the physical environment should be like, and whether or not you want to breastfeed, your "natural birth" plan may contain additional preferences like the following:
  • No medication
  • Free movement
  • Natural water rupture
  • Intermittent monitoring
  • No episiotomy
  • No vitamin K
  • No eye ointment
  • No bath for baby
  • No IV.
  • No membrane sweep

Everything You Need to Know About Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a typical pregnancy symptom that is characterised by nausea and vomiting. Morning sickness, despite its name, can affect you at any time of day. Morning sickness is common in the first four months of pregnancy and is frequently the first indication that a woman is expecting. Morning sickness may be treated in a variety of ways, and problems are uncommon. Morning sickness affects around half to two-thirds of all pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. Nausea and vomiting are two of the symptoms. Morning sickness is most common in the morning, hence the name, although it can hit at any time of the day or night. Morning sickness usually starts during the fourth week of pregnancy and lasts until the 12th to 14th week. However, one in every five women experiences morning sickness throughout their second trimester, and a select minority suffer from nausea and vomiting throughout their pregnancy. Morning sickness seldom causes harm to the mother or the unborn child. Severe morning sickness, which involves weight loss and dehydration, requires medical treatment right away.

Causes of morning sickness-

Morning sickness during pregnancy has no one cause, and the intensity varies from woman to woman. One of the most prevalent causes is an increase in hormone levels during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Another common reason of morning sickness is low blood sugar.

Symptoms of morning sickness-

Symptoms of morning sickness can include:
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Psychological effects, such as depression and anxiety

Preventing Morning sickness –

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Drink water before and after meals.
  • Take naps.
  • Ventilate your home and workspace to eliminate scents that make you nauseous.
  • Avoid spicy foods.
  • Eat small meals.
  • Avoid fatty foods.
  • Take vitamins at night.
  • Avoid cigarette smoke.

Things to remember-

  • Morning sickness affects around half to two-thirds of all pregnant women.
  • Hormone imbalances, blood pressure oscillations, and alterations in glucose metabolism are all possible reasons.
  • Hyperemesis gravidarum, or severe morning sickness, may necessitate admission.
  • Morning sickness symptoms can be alleviated by eating a few dry crackers first thing in the morning, avoiding foods and scents that make you feel nauseated, drinking lots of water, and eating high-carbohydrate and high-protein foods.

Tips to Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a lovely time in one's life! During these nine months, you prepare to welcome your kid into the world and to provide it the greatest possible care and love. Every parent wants their child to be as secure and comfortable as possible. Concern about the kid you're carrying, on the other hand, may make you feel anxious throughout pregnancy. So, here are a few pointers to help you have a healthy, safe, and enjoyable pregnancy:


Lie down on your side and have your lover enter you from behind, curling up next to your back. "Spooning may be the finest third trimester posture of all," says Kat Van Kirk, PhD, a qualified marital and sex therapist. "It's relaxing, no one needs to put too much effort, and deep penetration is tough to achieve, which is beneficial for delicate cervixes." Spooning relieves pressure on your stomach (and bladder), leaving your hands free to stroke your clitoris for greater pleasure, according to O'Reilly.

Don't Smoke or Drink Alcohol:

Smoking and drinking alcohol are known to put a lot of stress on your body during pregnancy, since it promotes dehydration, insomnia, and other problems. Smoking by the mother during pregnancy has been associated to premature birth, low birth weight, and a variety of other issues. Alcohol consumption may cause your child's growth to be abnormal while he or she is still in the womb. It's recommended to stay away from both for the duration of your pregnancy.

Track your increase in weight:

It's critical to keep track of your weight gain during pregnancy to ensure it's not too rapid or too sluggish. Hormonal shifts and foetal development spurts might cause your hunger to increase. Ensure that you eat healthily and avoid greasy, fatty, and sugary snacks at this period, since these foods can cause high blood pressure and gestational diabetes in the later trimesters. Keep in mind that pregnancy slows your metabolism, making it easier to gain weight, which can be much more difficult to reduce after delivery.

Stay Clean:

When you're pregnant, it's even more important to keep yourself clean. Because you and your infant are quickly infected by a range of germs, viruses, and fungus, you must remember to clean up and follow basic hygiene routines on a regular basis. Even something as simple as often washing your hands with soap will help to avoid illnesses, Also, take a bath at least once a day when pregnant to guarantee total hygiene.

Drink more water

Drinking enough of water on a regular basis aids in the removal of toxins from your body. It also helps to keep your baby healthy by ensuring that there is enough amniotic fluid and reducing childbirth problems. Pregnant women are more prone to dehydration than non-pregnant women, so make sure you drink enough of water every day. Set a reminder to drink water at regular intervals if necessary.


It's all about the diet! Your diet not only keeps you healthy and energised, but it also ensures that your kid gets all of the nutrients he or she needs while still in the womb. This does not imply that you should eat more, but rather that you should consume better and healthier food. As a result, you must ensure that your diet is well-balanced and rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals in the proper amounts. Make sure you get enough slow-burning carbs in the proper form as well.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

What Are the Best Sex Positions During Pregnancy?

Finding sex positions during pregnancy that are both comfortable and pleasure-boosting may not be easy, but we promise it's possible—no matter what trimester you’re in. Here, experts dish on the best sex positions while pregnant to try,


Lie down on your side and have your lover enter you from behind, curling up next to your back. "Spooning may be the finest third trimester posture of all," says Kat Van Kirk, PhD, a qualified marital and sex therapist. "It's relaxing, no one needs to put too much effort, and deep penetration is tough to achieve, which is beneficial for delicate cervixes." Spooning relieves pressure on your stomach (and bladder), leaving your hands free to stroke your clitoris for greater pleasure, according to O'Reilly.

Side by side-

Allow your spouse to enter you at an angle by crossing their leg over yours (legs can be straight or bent at the knee). Rachel Needle, PsyD, a sex therapist and certified psychologist at the Center for Marital and Sexual Health of South Florida, notes that this posture "allows for diversity in pace and depth." "It's also fantastic since it doesn't take much effort." Another benefit: According to O'Reilly, side by side is one of the sex positions during pregnancy that allows for more closeness since you and your spouse may look in each other's eyes throughout the deed.

Against the wall-

As your partner stands behind you and slips inside, stand facing the wall with your legs open and your hands against the wall either over your head or at shoulder height. According to O'Reilly, this offers many of the same advantages as rear-entry, but it also allows you to shake things up a little while still having the support of the wall.

Reverse cowgirl-

Place your companion on their back and straddle them, toes facing you. This is one of the sex positions that allow you to manage penetration depth, pace, rhythm, and angles when pregnant. "It can also apply pressure to your G-spot, resulting in a different and more powerful orgasmic reaction," adds O'Reilly.


It's fine if you don't feel like having penetrative sex every now and again. Oral sex is the greatest sex during pregnancy in this scenario. Mutual masturbation may also be a terrific way to connect on a more intimate level with your spouse. Any pregnant sex that involves rubbing, grinding, or vibrating is fun to experiment with, according to O'Reilly, as long as it feels nice to you.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Honeymoon rhinitis - The Facts and solutions

Honeymoon rhinitis, often known as Honeymooner's nose, is a disorder that causes nasal congestion after sexual intercourse or excitation. The disorder appears to be genetically determined and induced by the existence of erectile tissue in the nose, which may become engorged during sexual excitement as a side consequence of autonomic nervous system signals that activate changes in both men's and women's genitals. There is also a syndrome known as sexually induced sneezing, in which people sneeze, often uncontrollably, when engaging in or thinking about sexual activity.

Symptoms –

  • sneezing
  • blocked nose
  • runny nose
  • itching
  • mild irritation or discomfort in the nose-area
  • reduced sense of smell

How does it happen?

The sympathetic nervous system is activated during sexual excitement, and blood vessels constrict. This is why there is less blood flow to the nose and why the nose ultimately opens up. This might cause uncomfortable rhinitis-like symptoms, which usually fade slowly after climax.

Prevention, Treatment and Cure-

The treatment for non-allergic rhinitis varies depending on the reason. However, there are some broad principles for treatment that may be advised to treat and/or prevent rhinitis.

  • Avoid common non-allergic factors that may cause nasal congestion during sex. If avoidance tactics are ineffective or insufficient, you should visit a doctor about drugs that can help with prevention and symptomatic therapy.
  • If triggers cannot be avoided, patients can pre-treat themselves with topical nasal sprays before engaging in the activity. For example, if symptoms arise during sex, your doctor may advise you to take intranasal steroids or antihistamine sprays before getting into bed.
  • Fortunately, there are several medications available to treat non-allergic rhinitis. There may be minimal side effects or medication interactions with them. As a result, please see your doctor after thoroughly discussing your issue and before taking any prescription. These may include –
  • Intranasal steroid sprays
  • Intranasal antihistamines
  • Oral antihistamines
  • Decongestants
  • Ipratropium – an antimuscarinic agent that decreases secretions by inhibiting nasal parasympathetic mucous glands.
  • Nasal saline irrigation

Pregnancy rhinitis - The basic

Pregnancy rhinitis is defined by the presence of congestion and cold-like symptoms during pregnancy that are not caused by viruses, allergies, or other medical disorders, but rather by the pregnancy itself. Pregnancy rhinitis is highly prevalent, according to a research published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 39 percent of the 117 pregnant women polled in the research had symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis. Although pregnant rhinitis can occur at any moment throughout the pregnancy, it is more frequent in the second trimester. The majority of the 117 women in the research who reported pregnant rhinitis symptoms were in week 13 to 21 of their pregnancy.

What are main causes?

Experts aren't sure what causes pregnant rhinitis, but they refer to pregnancy hormones and how they alter the nasal passages as a possible culprit. Pregnancy rhinitis may be caused by "many chemicals and hormones released during pregnancy (PGH, VIP, oestrogen, progesterone)," according to Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. These hormones and chemicals cause your nasal passages to create more mucus and have increased blood flow, both of which can cause nasal congestion, nasal discomfort, and even plugged ears.

Symptoms –

  • sneezing
  • congestion
  • runny nose
  • Postnasal drip
  • Increased mucus
  • Increased nasal congestion
  • Pressure in the ears
  • Decreased sense of smell due to congestion
  • Disturbed sleep due to congestion or postnasal drip

How long do symptoms last?

Pregnancy rhinitis symptoms can be bothersome and painful for up to six weeks. Symptoms normally resolve two weeks following birth for the majority of individuals.

Approximately one-third of individuals who had chronic rhinitis before to pregnancy will have the same degree of symptoms throughout pregnancy, whereas the other third will have worsening rhinitis symptoms. The remaining one-third, on the other hand, will experience milder or no symptoms throughout pregnancy. Many women have told me that they felt their best, sinus-wise, when they were pregnant. However, there is no known cause for this.

Treatment -

  • Using a humidifier in your home
  • Keeping yourself well hydrated
  • Steering clear of any nasal irritants, such as cigarette smoke or excessive pollution
  • Exercising regularly (to decrease congestion symptoms and increase your quality of sleep)
  • Elevating your head while sleeping or reclining—sometimes just an extra pillow or two will do the trick
  • Considering nasal strips, saline spray/drop, or other nasal irrigators; always discuss these interventions with a healthcare provider being trying them.