Cold and Cough

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Can we sex after covid vaccination - how long to wait?

There has been a lot of discussion over what to do and what not to do after receiving a dose of COVID-19 vaccination. The question of whether one can have sex after receiving the COVID vaccination has been circulating on social media recently. Medical professionals recommend that men and women take contraceptives after getting the second dosage, despite the fact that the Ministry of Health has not released any formal guidance on the subject. But Experts has said that it is safe to have sex after Covid Vaccination, However, research your local laws before meeting up for sex with someone you don't live with. Because it is not known if you can transfer COVID-19 on after getting the vaccination, it's crucial to take precautions to avoid spreading the virus. Remember to wear a condom to avoid sexually transmitted illnesses and unintended pregnancies.

Keep in Mind –

  • Kissing is an easy way to spread the virus. Avoid kissing anyone who isn't a member of your immediate family or a limited group of close friends.
  • Rimming (mouth on anus) has been linked to the transmission of the virus. Viruses found in faeces can enter your mouth and cause illness.
  • Wear a mask or a facial covering. Wearing a face covering that covers your nose and mouth during COVID-19 is a smart way to add a layer of safety during sex, whether it's your thing or not. Heavy breathing and panting can help transmit the virus, and if you or your partner have COVID-19 and don't know it, a mask can assist.
  • Avoid kissing, intercourse, or other close contact with people if you don't feel well or start to feel sick. Visit virus and type in COVID symptoms to learn more.
  • If you have been exposed to COVID-19, avoid close contact with anybody outside your family and follow the instructions from Santa Clara County Public Health on how to quarantine and prevent others from being infected.
  • People who have been exposed to COVID-19 should have a swab or saliva test done to see if they have the virus.
  • You may also wish to avoid sex if you or your partner has a medical condition that might lead to severe COVID-19 sickness.


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