Cold and Cough

Friday, February 29, 2008

Cold Flu Questions

Q: For how long does this cold and flu takes to go? Are they contagious too?

A: Normally, flu remains for three to five days or a week to go. But cold sometimes take 15 days to go or more than this like two to three months. As cold and flu both are contagious so take some precautions like cover your nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing with towel or tissue paper. Have plenty of rest and drink lots of water and have some soups for getting relief.

Q: I am severely suffering from cold for two or three days. can someone tell me about any good cold remedy for getting quick relief?

A: At first, keep your body warm as much as you can especially your feet by putting socks. Drink warm water and gargle with salty warm water and have some steam by putting some drops of vapors and have lots of sleep. If your cold get worse visit the doctor, he will prescribe you proper medicines.

Q: Does anyone has sleepy and teary eyes as a cold symptom? Is it normal?

A: Yes, many people feel their eyes heavy and tired and also teary during cold. It's quite normal no need to worry. Ask the doctor and he will give you proper medicines. Keep your body warm and have steam.

Q: Does feeling like cold can be an early symptom of being pregnant?

A: I don't think so. There is no such symptom mentioned as an early pregnancy. But it can cause anytime during pregnancy. So, consult your doctor for testing your pregnancy.

Q: Is there any safe cough medicines for infants?

A: For your little baby, if he or she is suffering from cough ask your doctor who will give you safe medicines. Remember not to give any unprescribed medicine for your infant.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Cold sore FAQ

Q: Early morning when I wake up and saw a pimple on my upper lip with some irritation. After touching it got worse after an hour or two. Can anyone tell me what is this? Is this like a cold sore or anything else?

A: Yah, Its an early symptom of cold sore and is caused due to touching that part of the person suffering from cold sore. Actually, its contagious. Remember not to touch it again and again by yourself or by anyone else. Visit the doctor and he will give you some prescribed medications for it. Not to worry, you will soon get relief from it.

Q: What is this cold sore? How can I treat with it? What is the cause of cold sore?

A: Cold sore is like a mouth ulcer which mainly affects the area inside the mouth or surround the lips in which you will see a red spot or bump. This cold sore is caused due to herpes simplex virus by touching the person who is already infected with it. This can also cause due to stress, smoking, hormonal changes, menstruation, weight loss, food allergies, sudden bitting and more. The most affected medicine for it to wash the wound with an anti-bacterial mouthwash or glycerin twice or thrice a day and continue it for two or three days.

Q: I suffered from cold sore the very first time and its irritating and itchy. Has someone had this before as I am afraid of it? How to get rid of cold sore.

A: No need to worry, its quite common and can happen to anyone due to various reasons. It is caused by the herpes virus and is of two types - mouth ulcer and genital. Don't touch it again and again else it will get worse. The best way for get rid of cold sore is to apply some gel or any antibacterial mouthwash on the infected area or take some pills to get relieve from it after your consulting your Doctor.

Q: What is cold sore treatment during pregnancy in week 25?

A: Apply some glycerine on the infected area for 2-3 times a day. It should heal in about 3-4 days. Also you can ask your health care provider who will give you safe medicines for it.

Q: Has anyone knew any home remedy for cold sore as I suffered from it and can't bear that irritation and itching at night or while eating?

A: There are various home remedies for cold sore. Some of them are :
1. When you see early symptoms of cold sore apply ice on the infected area before it gets worse.
2. can apply a pinch of glycerine at bed time on it and rinse it thoroughly. It will cure you soon.
3. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water for three to four times a day.
4. T-tree oil has also proven a good home remedy for cold sore.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kennel cough

What is Kennel cough

It is also known as Canine Cough,Bordetellosis,Infectious Tracheo bronchitis.Kennel Cough damages & irritates the lining of dog's trachea & upper bronchii.Most common organisms associated with Kennel Cough are bacteria called Bordetella bronchiseptica & three viruses Para influenza virus,Adeno virus &Canine Distemper virus.Even an organism Mycoplasma is also associated with Kennel Cough.Kennel Cough is fairy common & highly contagious respiratory disease of dog.Kennel Cough may have serious respiratory complications for very young & very old dogs.

:-Causative organism can be present in expired air of an infected dog.whenever number of dogs /puppies are confined together in kennel;animal shelter house;indoor dog show, the disease is much more likely to spread.It can also be acquired from neighbor's dog, from a champion show dog at dog show, from animal hospital when your dog has just came in for treatment /vaccination etc.

Kennel Cough Symptoms:- It is worse at night & laying down.Cough produced is harsh,dry,can be quite loud & forceful,cough is produced every minute all day long & sounds as if dog needs to clear it's throat.It increases by extra activity & exercise.Dog is generally healthy &eats as per routine.It last for 1-2 weeks & majority of dogs got recovered on its own even without any treatment.

Some serious respiratory diseases e.g. Blastomycosis,Valley Fever,Heart Worms,Cardiac Disease might produce similar coughing.

Kennel Cough Diagnosis
:-It can be tested by putting little pressure on throat just above collar area under jaw & it will produce a cough if it is suffering from kennel cough.

:-It is generally symptomatic with non-prescription or cough-suppressants. If fever persists- give antibiotics.

Home treatment
Natural treatment will increase immunity & support liver. A collar may initiate coughing spasm,so avoid it.Instead of stressing on home remedies consult with a pet hospital or veterinary surgeon

-Vaccinating with just commercial kennel cough vaccine alone containing only Bordetella agent may or may not protect fully because of other infectious agents which might be associated in producing disease.Intranasal Bordetella vaccine produce slightly faster immunity than injectable vaccine.

Vaccinate dog for live Parainfluenza,Adenovirus & Canine Distemper virus.Always ensure to vaccinate few weeks prior to potential exposure to allow protective immunity to develop.

Above article is copy righted and may not be reproduced without written permissions.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Crouping cough FAQ

Q: My new baby suddenly have cold and cough with breathing problem last night. As it was not possible to take him to a doctor clinic we called up the doctor after hours number and they suggested us to make the room warmer and ask us to give him a cough syrup we had at home. We did the same and his breathing become normal and he sleeps well. In night he again had some cough so we give him cough syrup. Now he is quiet normal in the morning. Should we still consult the doctor?

A: As you don't want to face such problem again with your child, so better will be to visit a doctor and consult all about it. He will give you the appropriate suggestions and prescribed medicines for your lovely baby.

Q: Is there any home remedy for crouping cough for my 15 months old baby boy?

A: If your baby is severely suffering from crouping cough the best home remedy is to keep a vaporizer or humidifier in your room. Sit for at least 15 to 20 minutes in a closed bathroom with your baby with mild hot water shower running in the bathroom. Do it every time your baby feels difficult in breathing. Also give your baby some prescribed cough syrup which will relieve him from cough.

Q: What is crouping cough? What are its causes and treatment?

A: Crouping cough is like a severe cough with a sound like a seal barking. This type of cough is normally in the children of ages between 3 months and 5 years old. This croup cough is caused due to virus or similar bacteria or allergic reactions which causes the airways get inflamed and they shrinked somewhat and sounds like a seal bark. The best home remedy for such cough is having steam bath and a cool humidifier placed in the room while sleeping. Visit the doctor immediately if there is high fever and difficulty in breathing.

Q: Can you suggest any home medicine for itchy or sore throat with nagging cough which lasts for more than two weeks?

A: The best remedy for soothing the sore throat with nagging cough which I also used to go with is having some warm lemon water or lemon tea mixed with one tablespoon of honey taken three to four times a day.Ask Doctor First

Q: I am in week 31 of pregnancy and is suffering from nagging cough. Is it safe for me and my baby to have any cough remedy during this third trimester of pregnancy?

A: You can have lemon tea mixed with honey to relieve from coughing during pregnancy. It's proved to be best home remedy for cough. For having any cough syrup, take only the prescribed one by your gynecologist which will be safe during pregnancy.

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Friday, February 8, 2008

FAQ ON Cough in Babies

Q: What medicine should I give to my 7 months old baby who is suffering from cough hurting his throat?

A: Ask the children doctor, he will give a safe cough medicine to your little prince. Also remember to give him some honey for curing sore throat with mild warm water.

Q: Why does my two months old baby girl coughs twice and then sneeze?

A: It could be that your baby has some cold or flu. The another reason is to be allergic from dust or anything in the air. Consult the doctor and give her the prescribed cough medicine.

Q: I had newborn twin babies and are just four months old. I want to know that what to do as they both are suffering from whooping cough/chronic? Is there anything to worry?

A: I suggest you to take your twin babies to the paediatrician. He will tell you that is this simple cough or signs of pneumonia etc after doing complete checkup of them. Then he will medicate them accordingly.

Q: My nine months old baby is highly congested with cough and cold. Do you suggest any home remedy for my baby?

A: As you baby is highly congested, Try to keep your baby warm and give him some steam bath or get a humidifier. Apply some vicks vapors to his chest and nose after consulting the doctor and check him timely. Hope it will let your baby feel better for a while.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cough during pregnancy

Q: I suffered from cough badly. Can someone else also had bad cough during pregnancy? Will it affect my little baby?

A: Yes, I also suffered a lot from cough during my second pregnancy. I consult with my doctor and she said it's quite common during pregnancy and doesn't harm my little genius if we take precautions.

Q: I had persistent cough during pregnancy and it goes on for more than a month. Why is this so?

A: During pregnancy immune system gets weaker due to which any viral catches our respiratory system soon and cause infection. Not to worry visit your gynae and she will recommend you cough syrups that are safe during pregnancy.

Q: I had severe cough during my 7th month of my pregnancy. I want to know if it will harm my baby or not?

A: Do not coughed so hard that it torn your uterus lining and you may have to go for C-section immediately . As you are also suffering a lot take care. Remember to hold your lower abdomen with your hands so that it will give support to your uterus. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy.

Q: What should I do to get rid of cough during pregnancy which is safe for my baby?

A: You must drink warm(mild) water and take some honey and lemon or ginger tea. Ask your doctor for a cough syrup and some antibiotics and have steam with few drops of vicks vapors twice daily and have lots of rest during pregnancy.

Q: I felt painful chest while coughing during 9th month of my pregnancy which causes a lot of discomfort to my ribs and my baby reacts it and try to move outside skin. What must I do in the case?

A: Don't worry its just normal as your baby covers most of the space in your stomach it causes you uncomfortable during pregnancy. Ask your care provider and take some antibiotics safe during pregnancy according to the prescription. Drink plenty of fluids especially warm(mild) water and have some ginger tea or lemon tea. Take rest a lot.
