Running Nose in Pregnancy
Is it normal to have running nose in pregnancy?
Nasal problems associated with pregnancy are rather common, affecting up to 20% of pregnant women. Nasal congestion and a runny nose aren't usually among the first things that come to mind when thinking of pregnancy-related side effects or symptoms. You may be sneezing as a result of a cold or illness. Your immune system is weakened during pregnancy. In most cases, your immune system reacts quickly to dangerous microorganisms that cause illness and disease. Your immune system, on the other hand, is wary of mistaking your growing kid for a dangerous enemy when you're pregnant. As a result, it reacts more slowly to real intruders, such as the virus that produces cold symptoms. This implies you're more susceptible to catching the cold that's circulating around the office. The ordinary cold is harmless to you and your baby, but the flu can be fatal. If you think you have the flu or a fever, see your doctor straight away.
What happens when you sneeze while pregnant?
Sneezing when pregnant is usually not harmful to the baby. Even a forceful sneeze will not harm the baby because it is well-protected in the uterus. Only when sneezing is a symptom of an underlying sickness can become a problem for the newborn.
Can a cold harm unborn baby?
Will the baby be affected if you catch a cold? A cold during pregnancy normally has little effect on the foetus. Colds are minor infections that are easily handled by the human immune system. A cold during pregnancy normally has little effect on the foetus. Your body is designed to keep your kid safe at all times. Your baby will not be harmed by sneezing. At any stage of pregnancy, sneezing poses no risk to your baby. Sneezing, on the other hand, can be a symptom of an illness or condition like the flu or asthma. Your baby will catch the illness if you do. When you're having trouble breathing, your baby isn't getting enough oxygen. If you have the flu or asthma, talk to your doctor about the precautions you should take during pregnancy to ensure a healthy birth. When some pregnant women sneeze, they feel a severe ache radiating around their belly. This can be uncomfortable, but it isn't harmful. The ligaments that connect the uterus to the side of the abdomen expand as the uterus grows. This is referred to as round ligament discomfort by doctors. Sneezing and coughing can increase the amount of pressure on the ligament, resulting in a stabbing discomfort
How to manage sneezing during pregnancy?
When you're pregnant, anything you eat or drink can be passed on to your unborn child. This means that you should be cautious about what you put into your body, particularly when it comes to medications. Some antihistamines, pain relievers, and allergy drugs are safe to take while pregnant. Consult your physician about your alternatives.
You might also want to take a look at:
- A neti pot - Clear your sinuses with a neti pot filled with saline solution or distilled water.
- A humidifier- To avoid dry air hurting your nasal passages, use a humidifier at night.
- A purifier for the air- Mold or dust, for example, could cause an allergic reaction at your home or office. This is something that an air purifier may help with.
- A nasal spray using saline- Clear your sinuses with a saline nasal spray.
- Keeping away from potential triggers- If seasonal allergies or pet dander are bothering you, change your clothes and shower when you get home.
- Try gripping your stomach or sleeping on your side in the foetal position if you suffer abdominal pain when you sneeze.
- Asthma management Make a plan with your doctor if you have asthma, and stick to it.
- Exercise that is safe for you while pregnancy and will keep you healthy and strengthen your immune system.
- When you're pregnant, you can use a pregnancy belt to help you feel more comfortable. Sneeze-related stomach pain can be relieved with a pregnancy belt.
- Foods high in vitamin C Oranges, for example, are high in vitamin C, which may assist your immune system naturally boost.